Barbie Hair

Submitted by Nessa March 18th, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

Seeing Pigmy Will’s post about curlers reminded me of a picture I took about a year ago.  I had been working on a photo project with some of my friends to take a photograph of a toy every day in an interesting way.  I had my hair up in curlers and was looking for an idea, thus the Barbie Doo was born.

I put some vintage Barbie doll heads in with my hair and that ended up being my toy photograph for the day, in addition to making me look pretty awesome.   The response was pretty good, it might have been my most popular photo.

15 Responses to “Barbie Hair”

  1. k2dtw

    Great post… This is so cool!!!
    Would they be great attached to a headband to slip on, like they are doing now w/the flower and feathers headbands?

  2. Mark Milligan

    Wow! That had to take some work. I would run into a kiosk if I saw someone at the mall with dolls in their hair like that!