john switzer

retired executive chef- love to day trade energy stocks



When they finally give you the wienermobile,as I can’t think of a more appreciative owner,you could blast this baby up the LA freeway ...

Walk thru FootWash

My feet look like paws so, Been there and need this. For those days when you are not gonna take another step with ugly feet,step into these:...

3 cheers 4 Bucky Fuller

7 blocks from mi casa. I am not kidding when I say tearing this down was on the table for a spell. Thanks goodness it was spared. And yes,it...


These canned P B & J’s are a blast. For the akitschianados hoarding food for some end of the world scenario,this would be a staple...

Major Train

We love to see groups who have clothes on all made out of the same bolt of fabric.Its Kitschy. This princess doesn’t like to share.I c...

Mr. Tea Set

When the big guy hunkers down to some proper english tea and tiny sandwiches,he should use this set. Merch,that’s what pays the bills....