9 Responses to “The Sleeping Juggler – 2010, a painting by Denny”

  1. denny

    This was sold to Michael Ely and his partner Spider. It hangs in their home in AZ. I am so flattered as their house is FILLED with the most incredible kitsch. My painting fits right in.

    I still have Allee Willis to thank for me taking up painting. I have never done this before, ever. It took one person to say “why don’t you paint” and that was it! Thank you for bringing some much needed color into my life Allee.

  2. Michael Ely

    This is my favorite of Denny’s paintings too, and I knew I had to have it. It now hangs in our venetian green kitchen above a red pantry door surrounded by miniature Kit Cat and Black Forest clocks. It looks so cool. Thanks Denny!