Protect-U Guards Against Attack

Submitted by MyFunCloset April 24th, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

It looks like she spraying the kid next door. This dates back to early 1969. I was moving to NYC and friends were sending me off armed and ready. Not once have I ever used it, but still keep it around. Oh yes, we did spray it once out of curiosity. In the house. Not smart. Everyone choked and gagged till the air cleared. I wonder if it still works?

One Response to “Protect-U Guards Against Attack”

  1. Allee Willis

    The more I look at this the more I think I had a can of this too right around the time you did as I had just moved to New York too. I always liked to be as self-sufficient as possible and am pretty sure I thought it would be a good idea to carry around this can. Which took up too much room in my purse and was removed after one trip never to be found again. I have a feeling though that I probably got it more because I liked the graphics. Such a cute looking can for something so Mace-like.