A Rare Glimpse of a Most Beautiful Bird

Submitted by windupkitty March 30th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

Awhile ago, I submitted parts of my hat collection and dedicated the postings to Bill Cunningham, someone whom I’ve followed for years on The Times. I can’t tell you how much I always look forward to his photographs and On the Street videos. He’s just so lovely. Luckily, a movie has recently been made about him which I can not wait to see. I have great hopes that it will document some of his millinery creations. Here’s the info (go and see if it if you can!) as well as a fantastic short video on The NYT…


4 Responses to “A Rare Glimpse of a Most Beautiful Bird”

  1. Allee Willis

    Oh boy, both of these are gorgeous. I would totally kill for the little springy one with the pom-pom at the end. Not that the envelope hat is too shabby!!

    Are you back from your travels?

  2. denny

    I think I need to medicate myself today.

    I never knew that being jealous could be such fun! I’m hitting that button immediately!

    These hats are stunning. I would so wear the springy one to Detroit.