Kangaroo TP Bandit Caught In The Act

Submitted by snappyp September 9th, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

YOu know that awful feeling when you suddenly run out of TP- it’s a bad dream and you think, but I just bought a batch at the Costco?  Well, there is a kangaroo TP bandit out there and he may have tiptoed into your house and stolen some of himself.

3 Responses to “Kangaroo TP Bandit Caught In The Act”

  1. Allee Willis

    I got news for you: If the kangaroo made it into my house and started frolicking with the toilet paper I would pay him/her to stay. Though that looks a little more like a rat with big ears. Talented nonetheless.

  2. windupkitty

    hahah…wow, i’ve had kittens do this plenty of times, but never a kangaroo…i’ve had house mates less tidy than this, so who can complain!?