4 Responses to “70’s Mens Fashions”

  1. Allee Willis

    I’m so distracted by the Jan Michael Vincent look-alike’s asymmetrical pointy collar that I can barely see his face to comment on. All of these outfits are completely and hideously wonderful in their own way, very mid-1970s Swedish disco band. The elastic waistband on the denim outfit – the fabric actually looks cheaper than denim- is killing me as is his ‚ÄúI Wish I Were Dean Martin‚Äù look. I love the cut of the jacket on the guy sitting down with the enormous feet.

  2. denny

    What kills me is that 25 pound camera the guy in yellow is holding but the cut of the yellow jacket is pretty fabulous.

  3. windupkitty

    yeah! i know! he camera! it looks like some sort of military weapon! wow! i do love those outfits and i really,really,really wish i could meet the guys who bought them….the yellow suit is so sublime…isn’t it funny to see the difference between what male machismo was then and what it is now? that’s what really strikes me about this pic…..