Today’s post should have been the big ol’ blowout post of ’em all detailing the spectacular party last night celebrating the Grand Opening of the Allee Willis Museum Of Kitsch at awmok.com and the physical display at Ghettogloss. If my only problem was that after months of no sleep because of the enormous amount of prep all this demanded I feel like I’m inhabiting the body of a 90-year-old I could deal with it. But here’s what my wake-up hours have been consumed with so far: A) I won’t have party photos taken by the pro photog until Thursday. I thought no big deal as I had someone following me around snapping photos of significant moments anyway. But upon dumping them into my computer 30 seconds ago I see that most of these are almost pitch black because the camera was on the wrong setting. So, no party photos until late Thurs. And re video, there’s 15 hours of footage from three cameras. Perhaps by the time I actually am 90 this will be edited. But for now I must live with the fact I have no physical proof of the frivolity and mayhem that ensued for a medium that demands immediacy.
I could deal with the reality of this were it not for the torture YouTube has heaping upon me for the last 12 hours. The centerpiece of this Grand Opening week was to be the “What Is Kitsch” YouTube film festival, one new short film I made on the subject released every day through next Monday when the second party occurs. However, unbeknownst to the unsuspecting patrons of YouTube, the interface had a hysterectomy last night, the side effects of which continue, preventing anything from being uploaded. Although something seems to have changed in the last five minutes and today’s film finally uploaded it still doesn’t appear that you can leave comments, rate or favorite anything. Not good news for someone whose entire promo strategy depends on the cumulative effect of these films. Is now the time to pop the Valiums?
On top of this, today is a massive day of press which means me, my house and studio need to be spotless for photos. Not an easy feat after all the party prep that happened here and all the boxes that had to come home and be stored here before the next party on Monday. Also, the aforementioned 90-year-old body I am inhabiting today isn’t much for housework.
I also need to attend to my duties in the Kitschenette at awmok.com as many submissions have started to come in. I’m beyond excited at the prospect of seeing so many people’s Kitsch and moderating the conversations that start up around all of it. It’s the beginning of the party I’ve always wanted to throw online. I just wish I had another 24 hours before today starts.
It’s going to be a most interesting day and the kitschiest thing about it is going to be me.