Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Busom Buddie Flask

Submitted by Allee Willis March 22nd, 2010

In the 1950’s, people were very creative about how they packed their liquor to self medicate at ballgames, in cars or just to show off at parties.  This flask, sold in magazine catalogs and naughty peep shops, was one of the most popular ones around for very obvious reasons.


Made by Master Plastics, BB stands a lofty 7 inches high and contains enough liquor to do the trick several times over. No double entendres intended on the words “high” and “trick”.


I love the bikini line in the lower 40.  Although it doesn’t continue in the back so maybe she just oinked on a few ounces.

busom-buddie-flask-back busom-buddie-flash_5091 busom-buddie-flask_1690

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