By the time you read this I will probably be on the plane heading to Madison, Wisconsin where I’m about to conduct the University of Wisconsin marching band when they play my songs at the Homecoming football game. I couldn’t find any videos on YouTube of my alma mater playing that song but decided that at least while I’m there I should feature marching band versions of “September”, marking my debut as a conductor. As I don’t read music, even my own, I’ve listened to marching band versions of my song ad nausea on YouTube in efforts to be somewhat prepared as I march into the stadium with the 300+ musicians. I’m happy to say that the Oregon Marching Band featured today is very much in tune, something I can’t say of a lot of the marching band versions I’ve seen, especially once they dip to the high school level. I’m never bothered when they’re out of tune, though, being the kitsch lover that I am. But for now, you can keep your earplugs out…
For a more through exploration of my “365 Days Of September” mission as well as details of how the song was written, go here. Until tomorrow, ba-de-ya!