I must admit that contrary to my normal habits, I didn’t do much consumption of food at the Fluff Festival this past weekend in Somerville, MA. I was too busy sweating like a little piglet, as I’m sure you can see from the back of my hat hair.

But food concocted with Fluff was there aplenty:

I especially liked this Fluff injected chess set:

I never learned how to play Chess so the accuracy or lack of it is of no consequence to me.

There were at least twenty Fluff-filled foods submitted. I meant to get an overall shot of the table so all the food was represented here but my brain was too sweat-filled to think. The only thing I really tasted was the Fluffy chicken, mainly because if there was a recipe that combined Fluff with chicken I wanted it. I must say it was very tasty and delivered quite a kick.

Of course, Fluffernutter’s were definitely well represented:

Fluff filled trophies were given to the winners.

aKitschionado Rusty Blazenhoff documented me sampling them:

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you who won as I was too busy mopping myself off in the darkness of the tiny VIP room, which was thankfully air-conditioned and had a watercooler. My hat was slathered with about twenty coats of Liquitex acrylic and it was like having your head topped off with a sauna.

I also did a lot of sitting around outside trying to drip dry while Booty Vortex played.

I have to say that funk cover bands usually drive me nuts but these guys were the joint.

I conducted them playing many a rendition of “September”, the official Fluff song this year.

Oops, am at Logan airport and they just called my flight for boarding. More Fluffiness tomorrow…

Brother Cleve
I was in the DJ booth all day there and missed out on all of this :-( I did buy a $2 Fluffernutter from a high school kid. The bar across from where I was set up was selling beer with a scoop of Fluff on top as a garnish. No thank you!
As a kid growing up in Boston in the ’60’s, the Fluffernutter sandwich was heavily promoted by Major Mudd, the local kids show host. He was an astronaut stranded on the moon who only ate Fluffernutters (the show featured Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies, Little Rascals and The Three Stooges. In fact, the Major is in the Stooges film “The Outlaws Is Coming”). I ate them all the time as a kid, though the one I had at the Fluff Fest was my first since around 1966.
Allee Willis
I was strictly a peanut butter and jelly kid, though in all fairness I don’t think we had Fluff in Detroit. I certainly have grown to respect Fluff in this last year though as it is pretty much become the official foodstuff here at AWMOK.
Must look into Major Mudd.
Brother Cleve, you are from this area? You grew up in the city of Boston? Then you know my little town of Orleans?
Anyway, so sorry I missed all of this fun! I would have eaten everything I came across. Can we say sugar high?
Will you be at Allee’s show “Soup To Nuts”?
Brother Cleve
Denny – yes, I’m a native Bostonian. And yes, I’m very familiar with Orleans and all of old Cape Cod (I’ve been the music consultant at the nearby Wequassett Resort in Chatham for 10 years). Unfortunately, due to schedule conflicts, I will not be able to get to Los Angeles for Soup To Nuts. But I’m hoping to be in the band for the next show :-)
Allee Willis
Love the sound of that! Makes me wanna do a next show more…