The ultimate performance – both sonic and choreographic – that you will EVER see!!!
Pigmy Will = Snappy P
Feathers = Your fearless leader, Allee
Whiska = Snappy P
Made by hand with lotsa hustle love.
The ultimate performance – both sonic and choreographic – that you will EVER see!!!
Pigmy Will = Snappy P
Feathers = Your fearless leader, Allee
Whiska = Snappy P
Made by hand with lotsa hustle love.
Lisa Rios
Penultimate!?! The 2nd to last Pigmy ever? Gulp. Not sure I’m ready for it to end. Sigh….
Allee Willis
IS THAT WHAT PENULTIMATE MEANS?? I thought it meant the ultimate of the ultimate. Well then, absolutely NOT!!! There will be many more Pigmy’s!!! I’m changing it to ultimate right now.
There is one more new Pigmy anyway. He’s reenacting a character’s most famous lines in Call Of Duty, the war vid game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKp5l7DrDTU
Lisa Rios
pen·ul·ti·mate /pɪˈnʌltəmət/ adjective
always used before a noun
formal : occurring immediately before the last one : next to the last
Whew! So it’s not ending yet. No need for panic.
Allee Willis
I’ve used that word wrong my entire life (and writing career)!