No one loves vintage architecture more than me, especially 1930’s through 1970’s modern. But sometimes I drive through the city of Los Angeles and my eyeballs literally cross in ecstasy when I see stunning architectural details of an entirely different ilk such as the Greek themed hunk in the photo above. I have no idea who first mounted a fake column on a building in efforts to make otherwise bland boxes of stucco into things more grand, but I can’t thank them enough for feeding this kitsch lover a massive dose of what they love best every time I pass by one of their buildings. The idea of splitting a column in half and gluing it on in attempts to make it look like the column is supporting something and to add stature and beauty to these edifices took quite the mind to create. Here’s another example just down the block from the last Grecian temple:

The Valley, where all these beauties featured today come from, abounds with such cut-in-half Grecian style:

And then there’s this approach:

Just throw everything on the lawn and cover what was once an incredible 1930’s Deco bungalow with that hideous kind of stucco that takes off layers of skin should you come in contact with it. But if you’re going for that, there was never a more noble champion of Greek comedy/tragedy than the now-debunked House of Davids right smack dab in the middle of Hollywood:

Let’s take a closer look:

Sadly, owner Norwood Young disassembled his collection and closed the doors of Youngwood Court, as it was officially named, a few months ago. The good news is that one of the Davids made it my way as a birthday present from aKitschionado Mark Blackwell a couple of months ago:

So now, even Willis Wonderland has a touch of Greece to liven it up.

Mod Betty RetroRoadmap.com
oh oh oh! So psyched you got one of the Davids!!!! Though bummed that the house closed before our trip back out to L.A.(buying tix on Virgin today, woo hoo!)
Allee Willis
When are you hitting LA?
Mod Betty RetroRoadmap.com
JUST bought the tix a second ago ((!!!) and we’ll be in your neck of the woods the week of May 14-20 (our 10 year wedding anniversary is 5/18, and we met in L.A. at the El Rey Theatre, so it just seemed like the right place to go)- We’re flying into SFO and I’m totally planning for us to stay at The Madonna Inn on our drive down to LA! We’ve got some pals in both cities tasked with trying to find some gigs for “Retro Roadhusband” and I’ll be starting my map immediately of RetroRoadmap worthy places to visit. I realize I’m babbling but I’m just SO excited about it! Would lurve to have an audience with you during our visit if your schedule allows!
Allee Willis
No problem seeing me in LA. But such a shame that you’re missing my next live show by only one week (May 8-9)… Trip sounds great!
Mod Betty RetroRoadmap.com
oh, POOP! Wish I would’ve looked at the calendar before we booked. Break a leg! (but hooray for a visit when we’re out there!)
Lisa Rios
You got a famous David!! That’s amazing! Perfect, perfect, perfect!
Congratulations!!!… What a great gift!!!…
How exciting!
Were the “Davids” sold at auction or a Estate Sale???
A great find!!!…
Allee Willis
There was a 3 day estate sale. I couldn’t bear to go because it killed me that the house was being dismantled. But thankfully Mark Blackwell did go and so generously bought this for me for my birthday. I couldn’t even drive down 3rd Street in LA this Christmas because the thought of not seeing those David’s in their velour Christmas outfits surrounded by thousands of lights would’ve depressed me even more. But I know that this David is very happy here at Willis Wonderland, though he’s not as prominently featured as he was on 3rd Street. He really doesn’t go with any of the decor around here but it’s such a piece of LA kitsch history I’m assuring him that he fits right in.