A fire under a clock! It has a nice brick hearth and a log that actually lights up. I think it’s a gas log....
Gold and Silver Wurlitzer Piano
As much fun to watch as it is to play. Gold top and silver legs!…….spray-painted, of course. I didn’t spray it. It came to...
Church and Bell Clock
Has a bell tower and a bell ringer on duty in the lobby....
Evian water drop bottle
This water drop shape came out in 2000 for the new millennium. On the bottle they left an “n” out of millennium. Wonnder if they...
“Idolize This” Bobble-Head Idol
Here is an idol with attitude. It’s all there: the expression on his face, the great big teeth, his flat head, the folded arms. Don...
Waiter Wine Cozy
Crisp, white, snobbish vest of a cozy, complete with condescending red bowtie and carnation. Haute enough for the snootiest waiter. But smal...
Happy Yummy Cups
This is my own made-up name for them. Four sibling cups making silly faces with noses you can feel. I love soup time, because I know it̵...
Mike Popcorn
Kitsch is global, you know. Only in Japan can you find a bag of popcorn named after you. I love that it’s made by Frito-Lay. Makes it ...
Kitty Cat Clock
It’s all about the chessy cat eyes that move back and forth with the tail, ticking off the seconds. No longer just for old ladies̵...
Horse Ashtray and Pen (or cigarette) Holder
A gift with PHILIPPINES stamped on it in all caps, so I’d have no doubt where it came from. It’s got a holder for two extras in ...
Fertility Totem
A cool combo of “The Scream” in 3-D and a fertility god. Flick his “johnson” with your finger and it springs right b...
Bewitched TV Bank
Spend hours of enjoyment reminiscing on a favorite old show while saving your coins at the same time. As you’ll see, I not only spent ...
Extra Strength Dam-it-all
For years I jokingly complained, “I need Damn-it-ol,” never thinking I’d actually find a bottle of it! More than Geritol o...