Tribal Man – 14 x 11 (a painting by Denny)

Submitted by denny February 7th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

Well, I don’t know where to start with this one but I can tell you that I really do love anything with a tribal beat.  I had no idea til I was photographing this little guy that his left arm was fused into his right arm.  I definitely dig his big, poofy hair and the arm thing is growing on me.

5 Responses to “Tribal Man – 14 x 11 (a painting by Denny)”

  1. denny

    I am a HUGE fan of tribal beats, HUGE. I can never get enough tribal beats. Stick me in a corner the next time you cut a percussion track and watch my mouth fall to the floor.

    I am absolutely doing a series on percussion instruments with full access to your drawers. (of percussion instruments that is……)

  2. windupkitty

    Reach for the rhythm, Tribal Man! I vote that his tribal beat has hypnotized that lobster around his waist to join claws and form a “modesty” sash….What happens when Tribal man turns around though!?! :D