This 1950’s one pound drugstore display box of the premiere brand of boxed chocolate sold everywhere but actual candy stores is the best replica of candy I’ve ever seen in my life. The gold foil wrap is still in pristine condition. The pink, yellow and green sugar coated almonds look as fresh as the day they were dipped. The chocolate hugs the peanuts and caramel so realistically it’s hard not to pop one of these in my mouth every time I open the box.
I grew up with a box of the real Whitman’s always in our cupboard. The chocolate covered caramels and nuts were my most favorite with the brittle a close second. I used to save the molded plastic inserts that the candies fit into and build housing complexes for my marbles.

This particular box is the Whitman’s cross stitch sampler, a theme that’s carried through on the box with its textured embroidery look but as far as I can tell that’s the only thing that differed this box of Whitman’s from any other one. This is also one of the first things I found in a thrift shop when I started collecting.