Well anything with that title on it is wrapped (or should i say warped) around my heart from the start! I have a few others, but this is my favorite as it is rocking & rolling monsters! My favorite 2 things…this is probably from about 1965 or ’66…
Well anything with that title on it is wrapped (or should i say warped) around my heart from the start! I have a few others, but this is my favorite as it is rocking & rolling monsters! My favorite 2 things…this is probably from about 1965 or ’66…
Allee Willis
Great piece! I always love anything Rock ‘n Roll influenced. And I love the title ‘a wild and weird picture puzzle’. the font is great too, very late ’60s inspired. Though the rolled up blue jeans on the dancers seem more 1950s as does the pompadour on the drummer’s head in the bottom left corner as well as the beatnik waiting for his food behind the dancers. This puzzle just wanted to be everything to everyone.
Howie Pyro
yes….time lines are super confused here, especially with the horn & upright bass as well, which is what i love! Just hire a square old hack artist to do something “hep” for the kids & get it all wrong! makes it so right!
Mark Blackwell
wait…what’s up with the autographed black & white photo to the right?
Howie Pyro
thats Happy Dot (602 lbs)!!! from my collection of signed circus freak “pitch cards”…which they would sell to make extra money in the sideshows…