Now I know it to be an Urban Legend, but I used to believe that just over the border, somewhere in Mexico, there still stands a little store with fully stocked shelves of Farrah Fawcett Shampoo and Conditioner sold for dirt cheap. I knew that I would someday find that store and buy up every last bottle. I never did. My bottle is almost empty so I only shampoo with this once a year on my birthday.
Allee Willis
A excellent choice of shampoos to cleanse birthday hair!
It kills me that the label is in Spanish. I own both the Farrah shampoo and conditioner but I’m not lucky enough to have such exotic bottles in foreign languages.
Fabrege had to have cut corners on the packaging. I’ve never seen a used bottle of Farrah that didn’t have a crinkled label. Hopefully the contents inside treats the hair better than Faberge treated the label.