This is my refrigerator, approximately 12 years in the making and still evolving. With very few exceptions, everything on it is something I received in the mail or found on the street.

This is my refrigerator, approximately 12 years in the making and still evolving. With very few exceptions, everything on it is something I received in the mail or found on the street.
Allee Willis
This is far more creative than refrigerators that are loaded with a bunch of stickers, photos or school schedules and kids drawings. It’s a map of your life. Very impressive!
I’d be *really* impressed if the contents of the fridge are also items you received in the mail or found on the street.
Allee Willis
If it were my refrigerator we were talking about that’s exactly what you’d see.
That is absolutely beautiful. I wish I had thought of that. Even if I had it wouldn’t look that good though. Awesome job.
A++, down with boring appliances.
Douglas Wood
This is amazing– the Watts Tower of home appliances.
This is amazing! I love it. FYI……I was in Summerville not too long ago!