Don’t Touch Me Tomato LP of Calypso Music

Submitted by denny January 19th, 2010

I think my jaw is still on the floor over this one. I mean really…..calypso music, black panties, and a tomato?

4 Responses to “Don’t Touch Me Tomato LP of Calypso Music”

  1. Allee Willis

    This is truly an insane cover. Not just the placement of the bulging, crevised heart-shaped remnant of the tomato on the lacy black panties but the fact that the Duke of Iron, Lord Kitchener, The Charmer and others sing Calypso songs about not touching me tomato. It can’t get more romantic than that when you choose to lie on a bed of kitsch.

  2. denny

    OMG. I know, I know! This just killed me and I have been dying over the anticipation of your reaction here! I really want to know who made the decision for this cover art! Josephine Baker sings a version! A tomato and panties, and BAM, you got yourself a cover.

  3. windupkitty

    oh my god, you’re kidding me! i don’t want to even look at this and yet I can’t turn away!!!! good god! what on earth were they thinking!!!!! hahahaaahahaa!!!!!!

  4. denny

    I am so glad you like! It really is so incredible. I am trying to figure out what the record label logo is. It looks to me like some sort of bongo?