L. Ron Hubbard…Ya gotta love a guy who wrote books like this, but instead became famous for his own religion?cult?. Too cool!
And just look at the monster! He cracks me up and I love him so much! I just want to hug him! He kinda looks like he could use a hug, too!

Here’s the blurb:

Some pretty serious praise…I think they forgot to compare him to Tolstoy…..

Allee Willis
It always amazed me that a guy who wrote science fiction went on to found a religion that so many people follow to a T it’s as if they’re living in their own world or perhaps a little colony in outer space. I have nothing against any religion any more than I had anything against any movement, idea or religion that someone plows into with horse blinders on and doesn’t integrate into other aspects of normal life. When I look at the illustration on the cover of this book I can’t say that I would like to follow the gospel of these characters as if it was God’s last word on earth. But, you gotta hand it to Hubbard, he threw a party and they came.
“When I look at the illustration on the cover of this book I can‚Äôt say that I would like to follow the gospel of these characters as if it was God‚Äôs last word on earth. But, you gotta hand it to Hubbard, he threw a party and they came.”
hahahaah!!!! i agree with everything you’ve said too!!!!!!…….what a strange, strange thing! it seems like it was a good business plan though……
i just looked at the monster again, and wow, he’s cool…..there’s something about him that just says to me, ” eh, yeah, i’m the monster, what of it? i posed for this cover….what else am i gonna do to feed my kids?”
What great graphics! I think this one eyed guy is the distant cousin of the book I posted with a one eyed guy! Too funny!
Allee Willis
Which post was that? My brain is flooded right now but if the one eyed green guy has a friend already here at AWMoK would love to put the link in here.
Allee, I just checked my pending list and its pending. It is the Star Trek comic book. It has a one eyed monster as well.
Allee Willis
Ok, great. I will get to it and look forward to seeing him.