This is my Mom and Dad. Early 60’s. This was another photo I brought out tonight and called home for details. My Pop said this was taken after eloping and going to the JP to get married. They met in Memphis where my Mother was a waitress at “The Carousel Diner”. My Mom left home to be near Elvis Presley and wound up meeting my Dad near the little house she rented on Mimosa Avenue. I love this.
Allee Willis
I love the photo and I love the story about your mom and dad even more! I love that she came looking for Elvis.
I also love that your parents posed for this. I have a few of these cut out photo boards and they remain just as popular today as they were in the pre-digital age. Very few people can resist becoming bathing beauties and muscleman.
From what I can tell from the photos of you I’ve seen you look like an equal mix of both of your parents, maybe leaning a little more toward your dad. Wish we could all have a meal at the Carousel Diner right now.
yeah, wow, denny, you really do look like both your parents!….honestly, you should do a book of your parents/your mom’s photos….these are truly so,so,so special…..these are like the photos i used to look for and buy in thrift shops until that became a “thing” and then the photos got ridiculously expensive etc….this is history, and it is just so lovely!!!
Mark Blackwell
wow, denny, this is amazing…!!! the last time i posed in one of these face-cut-out things was at that ostrich farm outside solvang last year…
shirlie williams
DennyI love this picture, and the story of your mum and dad….wonderful!
My Mother also told me about the time she waited on Jerry Lee Lewis and he sat in his both scratching his privates every time my Mom, or any other waitress would wait on him!