Bacon Shoes

Submitted by Allee Willis May 11th, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

Nothin’ tastier in the morning then to slip on a nice pair of bacon shoes and go about your day. As someone who loves the meaty stuff, this is the perfect way to avoid all that grease and and keep your feet looking crisp and scrumptious all day. I have bacon bandages, bacon scarves, designer bacon everything, but the printing is so cheap on most of it it just looks like pink and red wavy stripes. But on these Keds it actually looks like the real thing.


5 Responses to “Bacon Shoes”

  1. Iamfluff

    Oh Allee! These are to die for!!! I made bacon earrings several years ago. I lost them, had I not, they would be perfect to give you wear with these. Where oh please oh where did you find such treasures??? Oh wait a minute, I just googled… Oh dear God,
    Oh my!
    ….I’ve just entered…
    the world of…
    Heaven help me, I am dead and in heaven.
    I will be very busy for quite a while I think…