Whatever this I love it. Even more so because the packet of hand conditioner is still there.
Is it a full-size bowling bag? My guess would be bocci balls and someone doing a kitsch spin on bowling with the veined balls and bag.
They are great… http://www.fountainsquareindy.com/bowling/index.asp
We were in Indianapolis once, at their fab “Fountain Square” and went “Duck Pin” Bowling. They still have their original Duck Pin Bowling Alley.
Just found this site for anyone who might want to try the very retro Duckpin Bowling??? ..
FYI…from the Heartland..
Allee, If you’re ever in Indianapolis???…smile.. The Duckpin Bowling Alley at Fountain Square is period perfect, with a stunning collection of very kitsch Duckpin Bowling memorabilia.
Are there any Allee Willis Kitschionados in Indianapolis??.. Just up the road, on I-69 in Fairmount, In., is the childhood home of James Dean. Another great photo that you might enjoy seeing, would be from the James Dean Gravesite. His Gravestone is covered w/Kisses, they are in a vast array of pinks and reds, becoming a great lipstick color chart… i always thought it would be a great location site for a very retro themed Maybeline Lipstick commercial…smile
Fairmount, In. has a fab annual James Dean Festival, very kitsch. http://www.jamesdeanartifacts.com/cart/
You may be the first aKitschionado from Indianapolis though I can’t swear to it. But I CAN say that I’m extremely familiar with the annual James Dean Festival as one of my best girlfriends, Pamela DesBarres, the world’s most famous groupie known for her NY Times bestselling book and soon to be film, I’m With The Band, makes the trek there every year. She’s written many articles on James Dean and is friends with whatever family he has left down there too. That’s one of those events I always say I want to go to but I’m so lazy about travel. And I’ve never even been to Indiana. I would imagine that it’s a very kitsch stocked area of the country and if anything could ever get me off of my ass to travel for anything other than business that would be it!
Some of my favorite posts in this museum are when people post photos of the kitschy things in their town- architecture and monuments to grocery store shelves, store windows, front lawns, etc. I’m praying that you love taking photos. Maybe this Memorial Day weekend there’s a trip to The Duckpin Bowling Alley at Fountain Square in store for you…? And all of the other kitschy things along the way would look very pretty sitting here in the Allee Willis Museum Of Kitsch!
I’m so sorry, I’m from Detroit… We’ve been to Indianapolis many times for mid-century/vintage clothing shows… and you are spot on about all the wonderful kitsch. The drive to Indy, is right past Fairmount, In.
I LOOOVED the picutre you posted of your family standing in front of the Carlyle in South Beach. Maybe when you go to Miami, you could plan a stop in Indy??…smile We love South Beach, it would be unbelievable for you to be able to make that trip and travel with Pamela DesBarres.
The Carylyle was closed for renovation the last time we were there, It’s going to be beautiful.
I’ve got my Detroit Soul radar on…hope to find you something this summer…smile..
I”M FROM DETROIT!! A Mumford girl. Where do you live?
I KNOW Detroit is packed full o’ kitsch!
Thanks for the info!
Yes, I’m a “Mumford girl” too..
We lived at Livernois and 8 Mile Road during high school.
Where was your dad’s business?
I live in “Victorian” Northville, Mi now…I know.. I never left my driveway without a map when we first moved here.. Not much interesting Victorian kitsch… Lots of loaded “estate sales” going on now… they maybe call them “tag” sales in Ca… I’m waiting patiently for a loaded estate sale in “Sherwood Forest/Palmer Woods” to be announced……Cross your fingers…smile
I grew up very close to where you did, 7 Mile and Sorrento (1 block from Outer Drive). My dad was in the scrap metal business, Eastern Iron and Metal Co., on Mt. Elliott. I graduated Mumford in 1965. And yea, a Sherwood Forest/Palmer Woods estate sale would definitely be one to attend.
Allee Willis
Whatever this I love it. Even more so because the packet of hand conditioner is still there.
Is it a full-size bowling bag? My guess would be bocci balls and someone doing a kitsch spin on bowling with the veined balls and bag.
They are great…
We were in Indianapolis once, at their fab “Fountain Square” and went “Duck Pin” Bowling. They still have their original Duck Pin Bowling Alley.
They might be Duck Pin Bowling Balls??? …I can’t tell their size from the photo?? …Beautiful
Allee Willis
Excellent info. Thanks! Now i want to go Duck Pin Bowling.
Just found this site for anyone who might want to try the very retro Duckpin Bowling??? ..
FYI…from the Heartland..
Allee, If you’re ever in Indianapolis???…smile.. The Duckpin Bowling Alley at Fountain Square is period perfect, with a stunning collection of very kitsch Duckpin Bowling memorabilia.
Are there any Allee Willis Kitschionados in Indianapolis??.. Just up the road, on I-69 in Fairmount, In., is the childhood home of James Dean. Another great photo that you might enjoy seeing, would be from the James Dean Gravesite. His Gravestone is covered w/Kisses, they are in a vast array of pinks and reds, becoming a great lipstick color chart… i always thought it would be a great location site for a very retro themed Maybeline Lipstick commercial…smile
Fairmount, In. has a fab annual James Dean Festival, very kitsch.
Allee Willis
You may be the first aKitschionado from Indianapolis though I can’t swear to it. But I CAN say that I’m extremely familiar with the annual James Dean Festival as one of my best girlfriends, Pamela DesBarres, the world’s most famous groupie known for her NY Times bestselling book and soon to be film, I’m With The Band, makes the trek there every year. She’s written many articles on James Dean and is friends with whatever family he has left down there too. That’s one of those events I always say I want to go to but I’m so lazy about travel. And I’ve never even been to Indiana. I would imagine that it’s a very kitsch stocked area of the country and if anything could ever get me off of my ass to travel for anything other than business that would be it!
Some of my favorite posts in this museum are when people post photos of the kitschy things in their town- architecture and monuments to grocery store shelves, store windows, front lawns, etc. I’m praying that you love taking photos. Maybe this Memorial Day weekend there’s a trip to The Duckpin Bowling Alley at Fountain Square in store for you…? And all of the other kitschy things along the way would look very pretty sitting here in the Allee Willis Museum Of Kitsch!
I’m so sorry, I’m from Detroit… We’ve been to Indianapolis many times for mid-century/vintage clothing shows… and you are spot on about all the wonderful kitsch. The drive to Indy, is right past Fairmount, In.
I LOOOVED the picutre you posted of your family standing in front of the Carlyle in South Beach. Maybe when you go to Miami, you could plan a stop in Indy??…smile We love South Beach, it would be unbelievable for you to be able to make that trip and travel with Pamela DesBarres.
The Carylyle was closed for renovation the last time we were there, It’s going to be beautiful.
I’ve got my Detroit Soul radar on…hope to find you something this summer…smile..
Allee Willis
I”M FROM DETROIT!! A Mumford girl. Where do you live?
I KNOW Detroit is packed full o’ kitsch!
Thanks for the info!
Yes, I’m a “Mumford girl” too..
We lived at Livernois and 8 Mile Road during high school.
Where was your dad’s business?
I live in “Victorian” Northville, Mi now…I know.. I never left my driveway without a map when we first moved here.. Not much interesting Victorian kitsch… Lots of loaded “estate sales” going on now… they maybe call them “tag” sales in Ca… I’m waiting patiently for a loaded estate sale in “Sherwood Forest/Palmer Woods” to be announced……Cross your fingers…smile
Allee Willis
I grew up very close to where you did, 7 Mile and Sorrento (1 block from Outer Drive). My dad was in the scrap metal business, Eastern Iron and Metal Co., on Mt. Elliott. I graduated Mumford in 1965. And yea, a Sherwood Forest/Palmer Woods estate sale would definitely be one to attend.