Here is a box of Dino’s brand golf balls. A “Swingers Dozen”- one for the road. This was a gift to my husband from our best friend who introduced us. It’s quite faded from being on constant display for YEARS. I love the golf club/cross bones fashion. Only one ball exists in the small box, and it doesn’t have the his face on it, so I didn’t include it in the photo.

Allee Willis
Despite missing all but one ball this is wonderful! And, of course, it’s always an excellent sign of Kitsch when something is advertised as “Dino’s Brand” and then there’s no picture of Dino on the actual product.
From the bad drawing of Dean I mean Dino to all the drinking and sex plays on words to the skull and crossbones golf clubs this is perfection!
Douglas Wood
This is great and I love the cross-culture factor of this very famous Italian named Dino wearing a Scottish tartan hat.
Allee Willis
Totally. Like what sense does it make giving him a Scottish hat, no tie-in to him, no tie-in to the sport. It’s on the same genius level of Kitsch as having plain white golf balls – no hint of Dino anywhere on the product itself. The only cross-pollination between Dean Martin and golf is the use of the word “Swinger”. Even the slogan “Have one on me” has nothing to do with golf and only what Dean probably did when he played.
Nice one joan!