I picked this up at a flea market a few years ago for, I think, 25¬¢. Copyright 1958, this is chock-full of fabulous 50’s graphic design and kitsch-tastic recipes.

Be sure to refrigerate your Dipsy Doodle very thoroughly.

Obviously these 50’s women didn’t actually eat any of what they were serving at 10 P.M. (or they were “ridding themselves of it” later…)

The only woman in the book with a realistic figure:

Dancing and caramel apples – those crazy teens!

I adore the look on her face – sheer terror!

Allee Willis
I have so many of these cookbooks with this same great illustration style such as the Betty Crocker’s “Dinner for Two” I posted in my blog the other day. https://www.alleewillis.com/blog/2010/07/15/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-%E2%80%93-betty-crockers-dinner-for-two-cookbook/ . But I have never seen this “Ten P.M. Cook Book” with the most brilliant title ever and one that so applies to me as, unfortunately, it’s right around 10 PM that the word “SNACK” goes off in neon lights in my head. That this is an entire cookbook of 10 PM appropriate food, not to mention with recipes for dishes with names like Dipsey Doodle and Sardine Nibbles, is way way way too good!!!
The cover kills me. The font is absolutely perfect and the purple and orange peaches and grapes or what ever they are is too yummy.
I’m glad I could share one you’ve never seen!
The cover recipe is “Cherry-Peach Flamb√©”. I just noticed that the colors of the title match the colors of the flamb√©! I forgot to photograph the back cover – it is a really revolting-color photo of “Chafing-Dish Shrimp and Lobster”. Ah, here it is online, of all places!
Thanks for the Camembert award!
Allee Willis
OMG, that back cover is so Saucy.That looks like everything that I learned to cook in Home Ec class in eighth grade. I still cook that way whenever I manage to get it together in the kitchen.
This is Fabulous… WOW…I totally agree w/your love of the cover and the font .. Do you think the books have??…they must have the same artist???…
Great book, they should reproduce it…the vintage artwork looks modern…and it’s such a great theme..
OK…Be very careful not to channel surf to the Food Network around 10pm..smile. Around here, the Guy Fieri “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” is on at that time…and it’s painful to watch.. We have a friend who many times…has to put on his coat (in the dead of winter) and go out in search of a snack…smile..
this is beautiful….truly amazing….i have no idea why cookbooks are not made like this anymore…the illustrations are incredible!