Advertising in a Yamaka 1971

Submitted by MyFunCloset August 9th, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

This has taken advertising to a whole new level. Promoting an auto dealer inside a yamaka. A green satin yamaka may be a statement in 2010, but 1971? The yamaka is a Jewish head cover that may be passed out at a wedding, funeral, Bar Mitzvah or briss. What were they thinking?

3 Responses to “Advertising in a Yamaka 1971”

  1. Allee Willis

    Yeah, that’s the top of the kitsch heap, advertising inside a yarmulke. And an auto dealer no less. But guess what? If he sprung for the Bar Mitzvah or wedding or Shabbos service, power to him! And he had the excellent sense to go with green satin.

    • MyFunCloset

      I really wasn’t sure how to spell yarmulke. Just never saw it spelled out before. Memorable name for advertising too.

  2. k2dtw

    What????…Really??…WOW… 1971???…. Great Post..
    You know…is a $ponsor for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah party not a bad idea???.. Does it go against tradition and what???…good manners??.. But this would have been worn in the Synagogue.. so that would take the sponsor beyond the party???…whoops..
    Maybe Dad owned the dealership???… and when he started writing all the checks, he just couldn’t resist…smile