WESTCLOX Ladies Pocket Watch

Submitted by denny October 23rd, 2010
Certifikitsch Winner

This pocket watch belonged to my friends Mother and is most likely from the late 30’s or early 40’s. It looks and feels like a heavy duty plastic and feels pretty solid. I was initially attracted to this watch by it’s round design and the gold band that features the numbers.


6 Responses to “WESTCLOX Ladies Pocket Watch”

  1. Allee Willis

    I swear I had and hopefully still have this pocket watch. Its made out of Bakeolite and was quite popular in its day. Its classic Deco design and is worth some pretty pennies if its still ticking.

  2. denny

    Allee, was your watch a gift to you or was this something you picked up in your travels?

  3. MyFunCloset

    Stunning! A very serious collectible watch in my opinion. Can it be attach to a chain or does it set into something? What is the size?Beautiful!