This is a small ceramic grasshopper attached to a pin so one could wear this proudly when celebrating St. Urho Day. I found this insane little piece of jewelry on the “free table” at a local thrift shop. Then I went digging and found the following information, see the link please. Apparently St. Urho was person that drove all the grasshoppers out of Finland. Legend or myth. you be the judge.
Allee Willis
I guess it was a big thing to the people of Finland to have all of the grasshoppers driven out but I would love my country to be remembered for something far more noble. I wonder if they still celebrate St. Urho Day there? I do love the pin though, especially mounted on the felt. Though the grasshopper looks a lot like Jiminy Cricket.
The hair spray cozy is in the background!
Allee Willis
Is that it lying on its side? It needs to be “erect” in a position of prominence.
Okay, this is where it gets weird. The hair spray cozy is now sitting erect next to the ceramic chef that holds grated cheese!!! I found this chef (you have one too!!) for $1.00 and it STILL has the Japan sticker on the bottom!
Allee Willis
Which chef?