Sam’s No. 3 is my favorite breakfast dive in Denver.

I love the modernism design, which was originally built for another diner like Bob’s or something of that ilk.

Allee, if you ever get to Denver, this would be a fun place to eat. My friend, Vangie, the hostess, will make sure you get seated in a booth by the windows.

The menu:
Allee Willis
Well, I must say that I love this post not only for the fantastic neon and, beyond anything, the curve of the roof line on the exterior of the restaurant, but the fact that you not only included the menu but gave us your food recommendation. I think I might go for the Toro Pot myself though it’s always hard for me to get to anything else once I see Coney Dogs on the menu.
This would absolutely be a stop of mine if I ever hit Denver. But if I do ever make it there, someplace I’ve only seen on the drive from the airport to Boulder, I would want you as my tour guide anyway.
I love the name ‘Vangie”. Is it short for anything?
Mark Milligan
Vangie. I am going to guess Evangeline, but I’ll ask her someday!