Around 1989, Jerry Brown instituted a program to contain the Mediterranean Medfly that was destroying crops in southern California. An artist (later Fullerton politician) Chris Norby, created a board game similar to Monopoly. In the game a dice was rolled and a humorous card was drawn. A Plus moved Jerry toward the Senate and a possible run for the Presidency. A Minus sent him back to California and obscurity.
Allee Willis
I can’t tell you how nuts the spraying of malathion made me when it happened here in LA in the early 90’s. I had to cover absolutely everything outside from lawn to pool to cars, etc. not to mention bird feeders every single Monday, which is when they sprayed. Although I knew it had to be done. I like Jerry Brown. I like that there was a game to commemorate this most unpleasant event. I’m glad the medflys are no longer and the paint can remain on my car.