I just had a chance to post two great submissions today and realize I have to race out the door RIGHT NOW. No time to even post my own stuff let alone anymore of yours today. Back tomorrow with lots more. In the meantime, here are two photos from last night at Peter Asher’s amazing one-man show commenting on his career. If you don’t know him, he’s an institutional force in music, starting with his days as one half of Peter and Gordon, then running A&R at The Beatles Apple records (he and Paul were roommates and his sister, Jane Asher, dated Paul in The Beatles’ heyday), discovering James Taylor and producing a plethora of hits, most notably Linda Ronstadt’s run of them in the 80s. Eric introduces Peter and closes the show. Here I am backstage with both of them. I stayed out really late which is the main reason why I’m not prepared today so blame the two of them.

They look like great fun!
PS: don’t leave that shirt lying around next time I am there! It’s fabulous and I don’t believe I have to play the instrument to feel the groove of this really fabulous shirt.
Allee Willis
It’s a suit jacket.
Allee Willis
Re “They look like great fun!”, you know Eric is from Monty Python, right?
OMG…PETER ASHER…and ERIC IDLE!!!.. How fun…what a wonderful evening, love reading the history, had no idea of his work and long music history..
Where is that Jealous Button???…OMG..
“Peter and Gordon”…WOW.. They were so good, wonderful music, and they always looked “British Invasion Perfect” so, 60’s. This youtube is a great memory …..
LOVE that iconic jacket they are wearing in this video…(always called it a Beatles Jacket?).. The shirt collar is fab and that pencil thin tie is wonderful.. From your pictures last night, it looks like Peter is still a fan of the skinny lapel and tie…smile
Allee your jacket is fabulous… perfect for last night..
holy crap! how cool is this!!!????!!! I’m a huge fan of Eric Idle, and of course MOnty Python…Have you read the Road to Mars? If not, do it! Peter and Gordon’s hit was something about love..crappity crap, I wish mind still worked…was it World Without Love?! NOw I have to look it up…..too cool…a great reason to stay out late! :D
heh,heh, oh, duh, K2dtw already posted the song…see what I mean about my mind not working!? Thanks for posting! At least I got it almost right, but who needs articles like ‘a’ anyway?!! :D and yeah, do they look fabulous…..something about 60s fashion…ya didn’t have to look square to look polite…i love that….allee, that jacket completely kicks ass…..
Allee Willis
Yes, World Without Love and MANY more. He played alot of them with an amazing band, including a member of Badfinger. The stories were unbelievable with tons of archival footage. Gordon passed away last year but there was great footage of him with Peter singing his parts live. Tons of Beatles stories, especially McCartney. It was in an intimate theater at the Grammy Museum so the sound was amazing and I had lots of friends there (includng Peter and Eric).
Super awesome! I bet that was really interesting… must have been a fabulous evening.
And Eric Idle is also amazing, I’ve been to see Spamalot twice xD
Also your jacket is fantastic… I can think of about a dozen things I’d want to make out of that fabric.