We were getting late into the party when Baby Doe got a surprising phone call…
Then Todd tried to figure out how to do Right Hand Red.

Fun was had by all…(I especially like how Allee wore a very Twister-esque appropriate hat.)
Karen rocked the spinner AND the full circle Mexican skirt.

Ken, Jenny and Jessica were clearly enthralled with the Twister game.
Then Baby doe kicked off her shoes and got into the action herself.

All photos by Rusty Blazenhoff 2011
Allee Willis
I knew my recently operated on knee would rebel against Twister so after I got my butt out of that chair I believe I was in the dining room eating Fluffernutter sandies at the time the bulk of the game was played. Just putting an ankle on the Twister mat after ingesting the glorious cornucopia of junk party food was a feat in and of itself.
More party photos:
Great post… I love being able to see all these pictures, so adorable. Twister is great!!..
Wow…Does Karen’s circle skirt have a scene??
It must be said that Baby Doe deserves MAD props for her Twister moves!!!!!!
Yes, so cute in a beautiful brocade dress!! So lady like in a skirt not designed for the Twister competitive…smile Could you tell what the flowers were in her hair?
The hat you brought Allee was beautiful, was it layerd felt?? Did they cut the felt to the colors???… Just loved it!!
Allee Willis
It’s an insanely wonderful hat. Yes, all layers of colors are felt. It’s really my favorite hat ever. Exceeded only by the toffee that windupkitty also made and brought to the party that I’ve been munching on for the last week.
hey! yeah, i was gonna wear allee’s hat that night, but the more i looked at it, the more it felt wrong that allee didn’t have it…i never want to come between that which is meant to be! :D
i think baby doe’s hat was a vintage flower band style…she had some grogeous clothes…there were a lot of fabulous colothes their..Karen’s skirt, to say the least and she and i shared a mutual eye-glasses-envy moment……really lovely group of people….
shirlie williams
You can get a Twister Duvet Cover ,which would make it a realy springy wobbly game ! Allee the hat is just fabulous ,and Windupkitty you make toffee ,superb!
i had no idea you could get a twister duvet cover…that is awesome! yep, i make toffee at least once a year in the winter time….honestly, i’m not great at it, but it doens’t stop me from making it! :D
i really miss good toffee and fudge from my favorite fudge shop in Callander, Scotland….it’s the best.sigh…..but i can’t eat stuff like that anymore anyway…i don’t even eat the stuff i make! :D
Allee Willis
I’m STILL eating the toffee you made a couple of weeks ago. It’s the bomb!!