Dora’s Cat

Submitted by shirlie williams February 25th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

Last year on holiday in Cornwall, walking down a side street I looked up at a window and saw these slate pictures for sale. I knocked on the door and the lovely Dora invited me in. She paints slate and sells them to raise money for the cat rescue centre. She was delightful. Her tiny house was crammed with all things feline and I met her big fluff pot Belle. I signed the visitors book and received a Xmas card from her and Belle last Xmas.

I brought this one as it reminded me of my cat Princess Bobo of Boboland.

9 Responses to “Dora’s Cat”

  1. Allee Willis

    You know we love our kitties here at AWMOK! I really love how this likeness of Princess Bobo of Boboland only has front paws and looks like a rug.

    She totally captures how a cat just looks up at you with those loving eyes.

  2. Lisa Rios

    I showed Pearl (my cat in my icon) this post and she really liked it and helped me push the jealous button.

  3. shirlie williams

    Thank you Michael, I have been like it since a small child…my only phobia’s are slugs and lizards, not something we have in the UK, lizards that is, the slugs destroy most of the garden urghhhh. Lisa ,Princess Bobo thinks that she and Pearl must be related as look very similar, ans she wonders if she is a Princess as well ?

    • Lisa Rios

      Pearl is so much of a princess that she doesn’t even desire to go outside and mess up her pretty paws. I’ve never had a cat that will turn and walk the other way when an outside door is opened. Princess Pearl, most certainly!

  4. shirlie williams

    Oh she is a Princess, Bobo only goes to the door then scratches at it, but this is so I stop what I am doing go over to her ,then she runs to the kitchen and sits by the biscuit box. She is an Indoor girl, if she does go out she has to have a blanket on a chair to rest upon !!

  5. denny

    I love that your cats names are “Princess BoBo” and “Mabel”. I also love it that you love animals!