I saw this and was immediately jealous that I didn’t conceive and build this myself. I think it is brilliant. I’m inspired to build cheerio henge now.
I saw this and was immediately jealous that I didn’t conceive and build this myself. I think it is brilliant. I’m inspired to build cheerio henge now.
Allee Willis
You should absolutely build CheerioHenge! Tho these little rice chunks seem more structurally correct. But I’d love to see a Cheerio attempt.
This goes well with Mark Milligan’s Miniature Street Art kitsch: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2011/03/01/miniature-street-art-across-the-pond/
The simplest things are the best.
LOL… I LOVE this!!!.. I Googled Brock Davis…it’s all good!!!
Mark Milligan
shirlie williams
I live near Stonehenge, the resemblance is uncanny !!! I would like to see one made of liquorice comforts ,in lots of colours.
Allee Willis
What are licorice comforts? We don’t have those here stateside.
shirlie williams
Liquorice comforts are bullet shaped in a mulitude of colours and are a hard sugar candy coated around a small strip of liqourice. I will buy some and try and make my own Stonehenge !
Allee Willis
Yes, do! Or maybe the Tower of London, Big Ben or something else very Englandy.