“The Allee Willis Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Supreme” – Part 2

Submitted by denny March 8th, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

(Read part 1 if you missed it: https://www.awmok.com/2011/03/07/the-allee-willis-double-chocolate-chip-cookie-supreme-part-1/)

I think at this point of the cookie construction I was really getting on Ernie’s nerves.  I’m a bowl licker and licking this bowl just about sent me over the edge and into a major sugar meltdown.  Well not really but I do feel like cleaning the entire house from top to bottom.

Mmmmmmm, tasty!  One thing I have always given Ernie s*** about is that whenever he concentrates on anything he is doing, he makes this big clown face and smiles like he is putting every ounce of strength into what he is doing.  Look at Ernie’s face in this picture.

When we both worked on getting the batter into the pan here, we mad sure that we left about a 2 inch border between the coookie dough and the pan.

Here we go, sticking Allee into the oven again.

Ernie was really concentrating here.

One Response to ““The Allee Willis Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Supreme” – Part 2”

  1. Allee Willis

    Mmmmm. Was there enough batter left in the bowl for a good lick? Did you lick the bowl while you were making me or once everything was scooped out?

    I always like it when I make two boys have such fun.

    I like Ernie’s perseverance face.

    Wish I had some cookie dough for breakfast right now!

    The Camembert is awarded on behalf of the entire “The Allee Willis Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Supreme” four part series.