Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 121 – August 2010)

Submitted by denny April 13th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

Golf club bottle opener!

I believe this is a dog ring holder?

Motor City baby!

Storage for these fabulous aluminum drink stirrers.

Beatnik wine cork.

It’s on the tip of my tongue but I’m not sure who this is supposed to resemble.

2 Responses to “Denny’s Adventures in Allee Willis’ “Willis Wonderland” (Part 121 – August 2010)”

  1. Allee Willis

    I have a ton on of golf club and balls bar accessories. There are three other tools that go along with the opener in photo number one.

    Photo number two is indeed a dog ring holder. I have a cat too.

    I don’t usually collect anything with model T’s but I will collect anything vintage from Detroit, hence photo number three.

    Photo number four is of anodized aluminum long tea spoon/stirrers.

    Both corks in the last two photos absolutely slay me. The last photo is of Xavier Cugat.