Skin Bracer by Mennen – Bowling Pin Shaped Cologne Bottle

Submitted by denny May 23rd, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

I just couldn’t pass this up and was lured to it by it’s top and the 47 cent price tag.  The Goodwill has many things priced with 47 cent tags which is such an odd price to have on merchandise.  Anyway, this may be a keeper.

2 Responses to “Skin Bracer by Mennen – Bowling Pin Shaped Cologne Bottle”

  1. Allee Willis

    I love bowling pin shaped bottles. It’s so logical. Most of the ones I have though came with liquor in them.

    It’s a little crazy that nothing in the product name refers to bowling at all. Which, of course, ups its kitsch value.

    I also love the 47¢ ubiquitous pricing at Goodwill!