I love when I can get a bit of history on the kitsch I find at garage sales. The lady that sold this to me was having a pretty fab garage sale. Interspersed throughout her tables she had items marked “free”. I asked her why she scattered stuff like that and she said she felt better about getting rid of it that way instead of dumping the stuff in the garbage. Her Aunt made this gravy boat in 1959 and she said she always thought it was ugly. The spoon is also ceramic.

Allee Willis
I love that this is handmade. I could’ve gone with a little more glaze in golden tones applied to the bird but I love gravy boats and I love crafts so what’s not to love about this?! I also love when people give their stuff away for free that they don’t think is so valuable but have the brains to realize it shouldn’t just be stuffed in the garbage.
You know I have another excellent turkey gravy boat as when we first met on your first trip to LA after you joined AWMOK we found it at a thrift shop together: https://www.alleewillis.com/blog/2010/11/24/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-–-turkey-gravy-boat-and-salt-pepper-shakers/