These beautiful prints are in ascending order along Mum’s staircase. They are my favorites cause there’s a punch line at the end. The first time I saw these, I laughed so hard, I almost fell down the stairs. Mum had superb taste and collected many things, but she also had a fantastic sense of humor. Not many people would know that as she was always the height of politeness and manners and she was very,very quiet. But she was hilarious and even a little bit coy and wicked, which I like….I apologize for the horrible photos…I hope you are able to enjoy them anyway…..
THE TRYSTING PLACE (awwwww yeah…cue wackchawaka guitar here….Our girl is rushing over to her lover so quickly that her hat won’t stay on!)

ANXIOUSLY EXPECTED (the tension builds and the continuity confuses…wasn’t HE the one on that side of the fence a minute ago?! Oh well, who needs continuity when you’re gonna get some?! I love the look on her face. “Don’t wait up,” she says…

BLISS. Um, yeah. There are a few things I’d like to say here, but in the interest of maintaing a PG rating, I’ll keep my mouth shut. OK, I’ll just say she’s blue. We’ll leave it at that.

Let’s take a closer look. Yep, clearly Bliss. Honey, was his outfit not a clue? Oh well, you’ll get ’em next time…maybe you should also try for someone not related to you, cause I’m sorry, you two look A LOT alike…

Allee Willis
They totally look like brother and sister. I bet you every figure in this artist’s repertoire has that same skinny parakeet face.
I love that the 2 different perspectives from his and her view over the gate feature the same trees in the background. The artist took enormous liberties here, exactly what the male parakeet man wants to do with the female parakeet.
The Trysting Place is a good name for a club.
She looks confused.
Mark Milligan
Blue and Confused.
In the last picture she’s saying to the artist: “call me.”
Allee Willis
I agree.
hahaha yeah!