“Gone with the Wind” Ice Cream

Submitted by BeeJay June 22nd, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

As promised here´s the second cinematic romance in ice, “Gone with the Wind”  comes with raspberry and dark chocolate ice cream, raspberry sauce and some sugar-like raspberry flakes on top, which are the best part of it. The first load went down last night and I can tell it´s  delicious!

5 Responses to ““Gone with the Wind” Ice Cream”

  1. Allee Willis

    The romantic couple on the Dr. Schiwago a.k.a. Zhivago ice cream were infinitesimally cheesier than Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh are on this Gone with the Wind ice cream because the Dr. Schiwago decade was infinitesimally cheesier than the Gone With The Wind decade. However, I’m still reeling from the fact that there is ice cream named after these movies that has absolutely nothing to do with the foodstuff. No connection whatsoever other than a marketing person who thinks they’ll sell more cartons by hitching their star to classic motion pictures.

    But nothing kills me more than the absolutely brilliant ice cream itself. Seriously, I’ve never seen such an insane and wonderful swirl and jewel of an ice cream in my life. The chocolate poking out of the raspberry, the raspberry sauce and the shape of the ice cream that it exposes below, and then those purple sprinkles… come on, this is as good as it gets!

    I also really like the clear top so that the glory that lies beneath can be seen.

    Now, I beg you to buy one more carton of Dr. Schiwago ice cream and photograph the inside like you’ve done for Gone with the Wind. I’m dying to see the ice cream itself. And could you also shoot the carton straight on as well as on the sides and back so we can see what that looks like?

    Does this company have any other flavors?

    Dr. Schiwago: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2011/06/19/doctor-schiwago-icecream/

  2. shirlie williams

    Brilliant, I love Ice Cream, is it made bt the firm Walls ? We have similar cartons here in the UK but not with the movie covers…Im def coming to Bavaria next year , with Strawberry Houses and this delicious Ice Cream (and King Ludwigs Castles) !