It´s strawberry season here in bavaria right now and I just love those little strawberry huts placed on every strawberry field to sell them right on spot. As a teenager I did that job for one summer to pimp up my pocket money and I think I was never eating so many strawberries like in this time.

Two days ago it happened that we had one of the worst hail-storms of this decade that left a trail of devastation. It´s truly a miracle that nobody got hurt. Very lucky in particular was a young guy who was working in one of those huts when the storm rolled over him and blew the strawberry including himself down the road where it hit a Porsche that just came its way.

Fortunately none was seriously hurt and this guy now have to tell a spectacular story. Who else can say he crashed a Porsche with a flying Strawberry.
Allee Willis
Love this! Never saw a strawberry hut before. Are all of them in Germany this ornately done? Here they just set up little wooden shacks. If you’re lucky you get a good sign but never a little structure like this.
That photo of the car colliding with the strawberry hut is incredible. I only wish the hut was actually on wheels and drivable.
On other places in germany I´ve seen wooden shacks here and there too, but here in our area you can see plenty of them. Most look like the ones above, others like that:
It made me smile that you wished it had wheels and was drivable, cause that was exactly my thought too. I would die for a strawberry car! I SO loved the orange car you once posted, so gorgeous!
I wish I had one of these in my backyard that I could just hang out in (except in high winds of course). I’m surprised they haven’t had a rash of strawberry hut thefts – these are so adorable.
Gilles Snowcat
shirlie williams
Bettina, I love this. It did make me smile to think of it rolling away and hitting of all things the Porsche…not just any ordinary car !! I would so love one of these as well in my garden just to sit in ,having anchored it to the ground first !
I just found out that one of my best friends knows the Porsche owner – and he bought that car only 4 days before. I bet he wasn´t amused, but I´ve been told the insurance is coming up for the damage.
I´d also LOVE to have one of those strawberry huts in my garden, they are so fricken cute! I didn´t hear about any hut thefts so far – whoever would place such a stolen treasure in his yard would get busted pretty quick anyway I guess :)
Please send at least a couple of flats my way as the strawberry season here in South Louisiana is over, as well as the one in Texas and i think California, haven’t seen any California berries in Whole Foods recently. Fresh are best for the smoothies i make…and i’m overdue for one…The hut pictured is way too cool, sure beats the pickup truck parked on the side of the road as seen around here.