After years of living with a very unlivable moldy kitchen, my landlord finally agreed to fix things up. This is mostly owing to the fact that a beloved friend (who happens to be a mastermind genius woodworker) agreed to do the work for a small pittance (picture Stephen Hawking offering to do your math homework for free). It’s a teeny, tiny kitchen, originally built in 1930, and boy does it need some love. Last night, I was feeling a bit down and needing some love myself. I’ve spent the past several weeks feeling sick and/or being very busy. Just not enough time for the useless fun stuff that makes me want to keep going. I even realized that I had missed out on an invitation to the new cd release party for Meshugga Beach Party. I was truly feeling very sad and lonely. So, I had to fix my mood with a few laughs. But how!?! Turns out all I had to do was creep into my gutted kitchen and observe the night construction crew. Perked me right up…
Yikes! Where are your safety glasses?!?!?!

Oh, that’s much better…careful on that ladder!

Yep, have a closer look…You don’t want to miss anything….

Yep! That how you fix a hole in the floor! That champagne cork has been in that hole (yes you can look down and see dirt below) for at least 12 years….I’m going to be very sad to walk into the kitchen and not see what has simply become known as the “floor cork”…If it were my house, I’d leave it there…Looks like this monkey and I agree…I’d hire him any day….

Allee Willis
That’s EXACTLY how to deal with any kind of down mood – doing something creative combining the misery of the situation with the relief of looking at it via a kitsch perspective. And with sock monkeys!
orry that you weren’t feeling well and that you missed things like the Meshugga Beach Party CD release party, but you did an excellent photographic documentation of the construction inches away from your ears and for that you receive a Camembert!!
WOW! The Classique d’ Camembert! Thanks divine QoK! Yeah, only one way to fight a case of the blues…um, just stop being blue! Even when I’m sad or down, I’m actually pretty happy, so I never let shit get to me too much…though I do have my venting moments :D
This monkey has been up to a whole lot the past few days….I’m trying to catch him in action…there will be more to come….
Allee Willis
Yes, more monkey adventures!!
OMG!!!!!! You deserve your own parade for this one! This is pretty amazing and Mr Sock Monkey looked way toooo interested in that outlet!
yeah sock monkeys can’t always be trusted with live wires….
What a GREAT post!!!…Sock Monkey is so cute! I love the floor cork.. Hope he doesn’t become “shock” monkey…yikes!!!
Love it! Could be your first storybook for Kitsch. I can see it now on the best seller list: “The Adventures in Kitsch”; windupkitty, author & photographer!
Allee Willis
This is by far not her first storybook here at AWMOK. YOu should check out her hat extravaganza. A bunch of other things will come up but if you scroll down you’ll see a lot of her hats and stories.
I stand corrected! Indeed many great storybooks here! Need to do my homework and spend more time exploring all the glorious nooks and crannies of AMWOK!!
As far as storybooks of kitsch go, Taschen needs to get their act together and start documenting Allee!!!!
Allee Willis
Ain’t that the truth?! They don’t even know I exist…
how do you feel about that possibly changing?
Allee Willis
Beyond ready.
Michael Ely
Thank you for making me smile! Hope your new kitchen turns out to be as beautiful as you are. Sending you positive thoughts and well wishes, my dear friend.