Gorgeous serving dish hanging on the wall in the kitchen at Willis Wonderland. I’m not sure if this is part of a bigger set or not. I wonder if there is matching dinnerware to these two pieces.
What’s a trip to Willis Wonderland with out a picture taken in my favorite place?
Here is the pitcher that goes with the serving plate above.
Allee Willis
I only have one plate of the black chef plate. I’ve never seen another one so I’m not sure if this was part of a complete set or a standalone, though it’s dinner plate size so I suspect the former. I can only hope that the chef is preparing different food on every plate should they exist.
You were the perfect T-shirt for my kitchen.
I totally forgot that I had that black chef pitcher. Which leads me to rescind my vote in the first paragraph. If there is a pitcher to match the plate then there must be full dinner service. Now I’m on the hunt…
Great post!!!.. I LOVE this pattern, wondering who made them?
Allee Willis
Really hard to make out the manufacturer because it’s a small stamp and very dated but from what I can see it’s “California Howimet”.
WOW… Rare!!
Wonder if Michael Ely will know the rare pattern and maker???.. Hoping he will see your post???…
Thanks to Dina for snapping my yearly picture in the kitchen of Willis Wonderland!