BLOCKHEAD Building Blocks GameSally

Submitted by denny October 9th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

This was another dump find and I could have sworn I had this game when I was a kid. The directions are missing from the box.

Front of the box.

Side of the box.

The pieces.

2 Responses to “BLOCKHEAD Building Blocks GameSally”

  1. Allee Willis

    I used to love the sound of the wooden blocks knocking together, exceeded only by the sound of the pieces falling into the box. I never really had the patience for building anything sturdy enough to balance though.

    This is kind of a precursor to Mr. Machine.

  2. denny

    Geez, I remember this one. It’s been re-dumped.

    I did like the colors of the blocks instead of them being a boring tan color.