This grotto is next door to what used to be my Grandmaw Boelens house in Opelousas, La. on Grolee Street so i’ve known about this one pretty much my entire life , it’s been there as long as i can remember. So the game plan was to go to Lafayette and play on the radio at noon today, just the original plan mind you. Then i have this dream and i’m in that front yard sorta diggin around where the grotto is supposed to be, in a pile of stuffed things and there’s a couple sitting in lawn chairs looking at me like what his he doing here? the house behind was not there or i didn’t really notice it….next scene, i’m right next door under the back porch at some kind of gathering, some folks i know,….and Vladimir Putin??!? what? pleased to meet ya…i have to leave and what is my car doing parked across the drive half way down instead of straight in and at the back?!??……….i took all this as a sign when i woke up to make the trip. Airtime was noon til lp, eat duck and andouille gumbo at Prejean’s(really rich dark roux, chocolate brown, immediately realized i should have brought the camera in), up to Opelousas and get these shots…..it coulda been the grotto callin in that got me there…
I’ve also thought the house is pretty funky too. And it’s huge too. Never went in it and didn’t know who lived there. When i lived next door, they had a rooster that i eventually got used to. Maybe i should do a post of some of the other houses in town that have what i see as interesting architecture.
Allee Willis
I can’t imagine having to deal with this scene every single time I walked into my house but thank God for religious fanatics for giving us such interesting and kitschy yard treatments!
Sounds like you had a fabulous day. I’m glad you followed your insticts and made the trip. I’m very jealous of the duck and andouille gumbo portion of it too.
And YES, more photos of the architecture down there. I have no doubt that kitsch abounds!
Ted Nimmo
The house is kinda groovy. :o)