Mud Maiden and Mud Giant, Lost Gardens Of Heligan, Cornwall, UK

Submitted by shirlie williams February 8th, 2012
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert

There are 8o acres of historic woodland , brought back to life by Tim Smitt the man also responsible for The Eden Project.The gardens were neglected after the first world war, most of the workers going  to the Front, and they became overgrown and forgotten. restored during the 1990’s, it is one of the most visited attractions in Cornwall. My favourite things are The Mud Giant and Mud Maiden…they change with seasons as you will see from the pictures..

The very serene Mud Maiden

11 Responses to “Mud Maiden and Mud Giant, Lost Gardens Of Heligan, Cornwall, UK”

    • shirlie williams

      The gardens have few sculptures, these at the moment are the only two, It has a fantastic collection of plants in a area known as the jungle including bananas , it also has an area called ‘The Lost Valley,in which the owner called in an exorcist !!!!
      The Eden Project is an amazing structure, The worlds largest greenhouse, Its very close to Heligan and have brought a huge amount of tourism to Cornwall all year round. I will do an Eden Project post.