Twice a year, the local college has a sale where the ceramics students sell their works. I almost always buy something. Today I found some cute mugs. Including this cute cat mug…

With his little legs on the bottom of the cup!

And this cute cup with a bunny…

Some guy with a moustache…

And this bunny who has a lucky human’s hand… since people carry rabbits’ feet, I guess!

Unfortunately, not all the students sign their works, so I don’t know who made these. I thought they were too cute to pass up, though. The money supports the ceramics department, so I don’t feel too bad spending some extra money.
Allee Willis
These are great. And really excellent that the students get to sell their work.
I can’t imagine ever doing anything like this and not signing the work. I’d place a bet that those who didn’t sign will not go on to become professional artists. They’d be perfecting their signatures already if they were.
I looked at it again, and there is an “E” in a circle on the bottom, which I suppose is the signature, even if it doesn’t let me know who made it. That being said, I have purchased things from the sale in the past which were definitely NOT signed.
What are they teaching these kids? Of course your sign would work.
Last spring I went to an unknown estate sale and saw a small ceramic owl I made 40+ years ago. signed with my initals. Went back later to buy it and it was gone. Bummer.
“Of course you should sign your work”. (I really should proof more closely.)
Allee Willis
OMG, I can’t believe it was gone…I would’ve been heartbroken. Do you have a lot of the stuff you made as a kid?
I do have some. Because my folks moved about every 10 years, many of my art class assignments & projects I did on my own got “lost” along the way. We were not big savers. Even my report cards are MIA. Sometime soon, I’ll share what survived of my early creative challenges. This will be fun!
Allee Willis
I have absolutely nothing from my childhood. My father cleaned house after my mom passed away suddenly. Don’t start on that! Though I’m pretty sure it’s why I collect so feverishly. The first art project I really remember was also a clay squirrel, during the one and only art lesson I ever took at The Detroit museum Of Art when I was 7 or 8.