THE CAN OPENER COOKBOOK Poppy Cannon Paperback BOOK 1967 edition

Submitted by kookykitsch May 22nd, 2012
Certifikitsch Winner

This is Ms. Cannon’s updated version of her famous Can Opener Cookbook of 1951. As Mme. Shapiro reminds us in “Something from the Oven”, it is easy to slam Ms. Cannon for her add this and that (usually a can of soup) to the recipe, but it is important to recall that she also made an early effort to elevate the quality of the housewife’s cooking acknowledging their relative culinary ignorance and limited budget.

2 Responses to “THE CAN OPENER COOKBOOK Poppy Cannon Paperback BOOK 1967 edition”

  1. windupkitty

    HAsn’t the photographing of food come SUCh a long way!?!?! Why is it that books didn’t start publishing appetizing looking food photos until the 90s?!?!? I used to have a ton of old cookbooks just for the photos, but they make ya kinda sick just looking at them!!