Hi Allee,
This was Done in March of 2010. When I arrived to pick it up he was Had Lady GaGa, Jane Wiedlin of the Go Go’s and Nicholas Cage ready to Ship out. I probably was the most Famous of the 4. All the Junk is Mine.
Some of the Items you may Notice, Airline Safety Cards are the Background, Blue Strainers for Boobs, Right Shoulder and Left Shoulder my Old United Airlines Crew Badges, Japan anime Doll Parts (Right Shoulder with Big Boobs) Parts of The Welcome Back Kotter Game, Xaviera Hollander Game, Girl Scout Patches, Mexican Doll Heads (El Chavo and Chapolin). American Girl Doll Accessories, Rubber Chicken Feet on the Hat. The Nose is made of Buttons, I tiny Light Up Sky Vodka Bottle.
Allee Willis
Another Jason Mecier masterpiece. What yeat was this done? And is it mostly your junque or did Jason provide the stash? And how large is this?
Your nose kills me.
What’s the background made of?
Me as junque: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2009/09/13/allee-willis-kitsch-o-the-day-me/
Hi Allee,
This was Done in March of 2010. When I arrived to pick it up he was Had Lady GaGa, Jane Wiedlin of the Go Go’s and Nicholas Cage ready to Ship out. I probably was the most Famous of the 4. All the Junk is Mine.
Some of the Items you may Notice, Airline Safety Cards are the Background, Blue Strainers for Boobs, Right Shoulder and Left Shoulder my Old United Airlines Crew Badges, Japan anime Doll Parts (Right Shoulder with Big Boobs) Parts of The Welcome Back Kotter Game, Xaviera Hollander Game, Girl Scout Patches, Mexican Doll Heads (El Chavo and Chapolin). American Girl Doll Accessories, Rubber Chicken Feet on the Hat. The Nose is made of Buttons, I tiny Light Up Sky Vodka Bottle.
I want to say this is about 3 feet by 4 feet.
This is amazing!